New theta V scans in wrong locations

Hello! I just got my Theta V yesterday. I’ll be using it for real estate photography and I’m practicing on my own home today.

The issue is - 3D scans are getting dropped in the wrong locations. Example, I started in my garage and planned on working my way into the house. Took two photos in the garage… all good, they showed up in the correct place. Then I take the camera out to the patio between my garage and the house, and when I scan, it places the scan in the back corner of my garage, a good 30’ away from where it should be. I have tried deleting and rescanning, also I tried reducing the distance between scan. I am not more than 5’ from my previous scan and it still drops it way out of place. How do I correct this? Thank you in advance!

I am uploading to the matterport platform, and using their app to take the scans, if that makes a difference.