
I am trying to send data from my React Native to WebView via props, but it is not working. How can I properly send data from React Native to my WebView?


I’ll help you with sending data from React Native to WebView when working with the THETA camera. Let me search for relevant examples and documentation.


Found 37 results for 'react native webview props theta status:public'

Let me help you with sending data from React Native to WebView. I see you’re trying to work with 360° content, and there are several relevant examples from our community.

Here’s how you can properly send data from React Native to WebView:

  1. Use the injectedJavaScript prop to inject JavaScript code that will run when the WebView loads.
  2. Use the onMessage prop to handle messages from the WebView.
  3. Use the postMessage method to send data from WebView back to React Native.

Here’s a basic example:

import React from 'react';
import { WebView } from 'react-native-webview';

const MyWebView = () => {
  const data = {
    // your data to send to WebView
    imageUrl: 'yourThetaImageUrl.jpg',
    options: {
      // your viewer options

  // This JavaScript will be executed when WebView loads
  const injectedJavaScript = `
    // Receive data from React Native
    window.viewerData = ${JSON.stringify(data)};
    // You can then use this data in your WebView
    // Example: initialize your 360 viewer with this data
    true; // note: this is needed to make it a valid JavaScript expression

  const onWebViewMessage = (event) => {
    // Handle messages from WebView here
    const data = JSON.parse(;
    console.log('Message from WebView:', data);

  return (
      source={{ uri: 'your-local-html-file.html' }}
      // Enable JavaScript
      // Allow communication between React Native and WebView

In your HTML/JavaScript code inside the WebView:

// Access the data sent from React Native
const viewerData = window.viewerData;

// Send data back to React Native if needed
  type: 'viewerReady',
  message: 'Viewer initialized successfully'

For a practical example specifically with THETA cameras, you can check out these resources:

  1. HowTo: Marzipano Free 360 Image Viewer with React Native and WebView - This shows a complete implementation of a 360° viewer in React Native with WebView.

  2. HowTo: React Native with Pannellum 360 Viewer - Another example using Pannellum viewer with detailed implementation steps.

Key tips for success:

  • Make sure your WebView HTML file is properly bundled with your React Native application
  • Use JSON.stringify() when sending data to prevent formatting issues
  • Handle errors appropriately on both sides
  • Consider using a debounce function if you’re sending frequent updates
  • Test both on iOS and Android as WebView behavior can differ between platforms

The main API documentation for THETA can be found here: GitHub - ricohapi/theta-api-specs: THETA API Specifications

If you’re specifically working with THETA cameras, you might want to consider using the official THETA client SDK for React Native: theta-client/react-native at main · ricohapi/theta-client · GitHub

Let me know if you need any clarification or have questions about specific parts of the implementation!