This plug-in uses the CameraAPI and also has a WebUI. You need to run a web server inside the plug-in
Simple WebUI
Update April 17
@Vigen_Baghdasaryan, I believe I misunderstood your question originally.
If you want to use a mobile app with the plug-in, you can expose a web server from inside of the plug-in to enable the mobile app to send commands to the plug-in over Wi-Fi. As the plug-in is an Android app running inside of the camera, you can write your own simple server in Java/Kotlin or use something like this:
If you’re trying to use the plug-in with a sensor such as orientation or object recognition to trigger a picture with the WebAPI inside the camera, then you need to switch between the two. (However, now I think that this is not what you want to do, so maybe ignore my first response).
You cannot use the Wi-Fi API to change the JPEG compression. You can change the video compression with the Wi-Fi API, but not the still image JPEG compression. For this, you must use the CameraAPI.