Low latency (0.4s) H.264 livestreaming from Theta V WiFi to html5 clients with RTSP plug-in, ffmpeg and Janus Gateway on raspberry Pi

Hugues, this is fantastic. Thanks for sharing it. Your project is really advancing. Are you selling your product globally? It seems like there’s a need for a low-cost way to assess different types of pipelines and sewer systems.

Under cons, you list RTSP. I don’t know too much about RTSP and I’m curious as to the downside. Why is it a con?

You also indicate that you need to disconnect the THETA from USB and start the plug-in with the Wi-Fi API.

Just an FYI, I’ve seen a demo of a usermode Linux streaming driver that allows the THETA to livestream on Linux. I believe the developer is planning to release it as open source in the next few months. When the driver is released, it could be another possible strategy for you.

Update: Nov 13, 2019

@Hugues, can you confirm that this diagram is accurate?