viewing theta livestream in VR headset locally

I am back quicker than expected! I achieved some degree of success already.

this guide/program of yours worked with the oculus. Followed the guide exactly and had to update this:

but then, I do now have a live feed of the camera! directly in the headset! Eureka!

however, the feed is incredibly choppy, I estimate its probably 15 fps. The quality/resolution is however perfectly adequate for my use case. When I turn my head, I see black for a moment until the feed catches up. Its like, rather than having the entire sphere rendered, it only has what I’m looking at rendered. So when I turn my head, it has to catch up until the feed shows. Is this a limitation I can expect in your experience? Obviously this is just a small test program you made as an experiment, but do you have any idea on how I can improve it?

again, thanks an absolute million. I’ve spent a decent bit of money already trying to get this to work, I should have came here first!