New to Theta Z1 and experiencing noise in photos

I am new to the Theta Z1 after experiencing many issues with my QooCam 8K. That being said every photo I take is grainy/noisy. I have tried adjusting the ISO settings, using the DFE HDR plugin, and no matter what I have grain in all my photos. I am not zooming into photos too much, but is this common? I see all kinds of sample photos with no editing and I do not see grain/noise.

Can you anyone help me? Thank you in advance!

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Have you managed to bottom out the noise issue? I am in the same boat and would like to know what it is I am doing wrong too :slight_smile:

Without providing at least a single example of what you are talking about, what kind of answer do you expect?

In general: The Z1’s sensor produces quite some noise, especially color noise and at higher ISO values.
In-camera JPEG generation deals with this effectively - in my opinion too effective: many details are lost.
Therefore, I tend to eliminate the ugly color noise during raw processing and accept some luminance noise.

When I want the best quality possible, I use the DFE plugin, and choose the 9 step bracketing exporters in RAW. Then of course you have to work on the file in Lightroom, but that’s how I get the best results: with a 9 step bracketing, of course, you will get less noise.

For instance here the room is very dark with spots of bright light, and I you will see, the noise is very much contained:

I am having a very difficult time coming up with crisp images. I shot a ton of images for a client and the images looked okay after some simple edits on LrC but then when I opened on photoshop to remove tripod they turned out extremely grainy. I shot in auto mode.
Do I really need to shoot bracketed images to get crisp results?
Here’s an edited image:

Any support and advise you can provide is greatly appreciated.

Hi, you’re welcome to post here, but you may get faster advice on one of the Facebook Groups for the RICOH THETA cameras. Personally, I’m not a skilled photographer.