Slow Live Preview and Battery icon displaying?

Hello Guys,

i have worked on live preview in iOS using Swift 5 and OSC library. But my live preview is too slow. May I know the reason for that and how can i fix it? Also, I want to display the Theta camera battery progress for that is there any method?
Please someone help me to fix that.

Thanks in advance.

The frame rate of the live preview can be set with the previewFormat option.

The battery level can be acquired with the State API.

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Thanks @shrhdk.
I am using “OpenSphericalCamera” library.

So, that library having LivePreviewDelegate class for Live Preview and using UnsafeRawBufferPointer with unsafeBytes.
Something like -

dataBuffer.withUnsafeBytes { (bytes: UnsafeRawBufferPointer) → Void in

            while i < dataBuffer.count - 1 {
                if JPEG_SOI[0] == bytes[i] && JPEG_SOI[1] == bytes[i + 1] {
                    soi = i
                    i += 1
                i += 1

            while i < dataBuffer.count - 1 {
                if JPEG_EOI[0] == bytes[i] && JPEG_EOI[1] == bytes[i + 1] {
                    i += 1
                    eoi = i
                i += 1


        guard let start = soi, let end = eoi else {

So, this is right approach or need to define frame rate
like {“width”: 1920, “height”: 960, “framerate”: 8} *1.