Currently I am introducing in the development world for the RICOH theta, I have already made requests to the API, taken a photo from a JS
Now I am trying to develop a website where I can take a photo from a z1 and save it on the computer, will there be a series of posts to guide me?
Concept overview to build a web site, especially with using A-Frame and HTML templates to manage the image navigation.
27 video playlist
360 Image Web Gallery with Django and A-Frame - CodeProject
If you want to manage the files locally, this might help.
GitHub - codetricity/oppkey_tester_ricoh_theta: RICOH THETA Request and Response Tester
Node-specific information.
hi!!, I realized that for what I need I would need a mobile App, I was exploring flutter and it adapted very well, now I need to load the image in a Sql Server database, I saw that xamarin adapts quite well to that type of base database
my question is, could that flutter project be adapted to xamarin
Or at least, the functions of use of the camera could be done in xamarin?
or that flutter has that connection to sql server
If the SQL database is on your mobile app, use this:
If the SQL database is on a server, then you need to expose the SQL API, possibly with a REST gateway. Then, when you want to push data such as location, image title, image description, to the SQL database in the cloud, you could use the http package of Flutter.
People have used Xamarin with the RICOH THETA API. However, it’s not as well documented on this forum.
Can you advise if the SQL database is local on the mobile phone or in the cloud (like on AWS).
thanks, my app will have a development in flutter, and the SQL database is in the cloud
We have this type of test site with a backend PostgreSQL database.
The tests of the site are covered in this article.
The primary interface is with Django. However, we also use Django REST Framework to expose HTTP requests on other Django sites we’ve built. Using the Django REST Framework, it is possible to work with the underlying PostgreSQL data using React, Flutter, or other front-end tools.
One interesting aspect of this approach is that Django can connect to the camera directly and take pictures from a WebGUI and then the Django server can process the images to insert things like watermarks or reduce image size using different compression algorithms.
Your hosted SQL database may have some REST gateway for the data. I don’t have experience sending the SQL commands directly from Flutter. If you use SQL commands directly, let us know what you decide on using.
At the moment, we’re using Firebase Cloud Firestore as the backend for our Flutter projects. It is NoSQL, but it seems to work nicely.