Hi all,
I used to display the Ricoh Theta Z1 live stream locally in a browser using getUserMedia, in Google Chrome and on Windows 10 64bit. However, recently, this does not work anymore: I get a “camera could not load” error in my web console. A work-around I found now that works is to use OBS to get the camera input, then start a virtual camera, and select the OBS virtual camera as the camera input stream in the browser. However, this adds a undesired delay of around 3s.
What could I do to get the original setup to work again, i.e. select the theta directly in the browser?
I have downloaded the driver
and use the following code to get the livestream:
const constraints = {
audio: false,
video: {
width: {min: 620, ideal: 3840, max: 7000},
height: {min: 480, ideal: 1920, max: 3840}
.then(stream => {
document.getElementById(“myVideo”).srcObject = stream;
console.log(“Got local user video”);
.catch(err => {
console.log('navigator.getUserMedia error: ', err)
All help would be appreciated!
Best regards,