1/4 Mile Remote Activation

Just to confirm, you took a picture at 260 meter distance with an unmodified iPhone 6?

If so, it seems likely that he might be able to do it with some type of Cantenna eventually.

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Yes zooom in on the Panorama You se the Photographer

awesome. I see a picture of you with a macbook pro. Is there another shot of you with the iPhone 6?

yes on the http://svendus.se/tetha-remote/#node1

The 360 sphere navigation is so cool. Always discovering something new. I would like to see the buffalo now. :ox:

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Yes we shall take a panorama with one or two to morrow if it is sunshine
click on the map icon and the map on the ground

[quote]The 360 sphere navigation is so cool. Always discovering something new.
I would like to see the buffalo now.[/quote]