Join our free community and get entered into our free drawing to win a cool shirt and a copy of Michael Wohl’s The 360° Video Handbook.
Add new 360° skills, have fun, and build your career!
Submissions are closed - thank you!
Summary of Rules
- No purchase necessary
- Entries limited to US-only
- Entries must be submitted before Friday, June 29 at 12:00pm (“noon”) Pacific Time
- Final winners announced July 6, 2018
- To enter, person must sign up for the community and provide: name, email, company or organization. Organization can be independent consultant, name of school, or unnamed stealth startup.
- To receive the prize, you must reply to email notification of winner within 5 days. Reply must include postal address.
- Winner is selected randomly by luck of the draw
- Full Rules
Learn 360 Framing Techniques
360 video expert Michael Wohl explains how to use structural elements in your environment to create “frame-within-the-frame” boundaries for VR experiences
Use Depth to Guide Exploration
Wohl’s The 360 Video Handbook will show you how to use depth to guide your viewer to explore a VR video scene.
360 Creator Pride
Show your pride in being at the cutting-edge of the 360 movement that is changing our world. Cool shirt for the hackers and creators that are inventing the VR world.