Can RICOH THETA Z1 be used in Unity as a webcam?

Oh sure yeah! I used a skybox, here was the basic script I used:

using UnityEngine;

public class getRicohStream : MonoBehaviour


    static WebCamTexture ricohStream;

    string camName = "RICOH THETA V FullHD"; // Name of your camera. 

    public Material camMaterial;  // Skybox material

    void Start()


        WebCamDevice[] devices = WebCamTexture.devices;

        //printing out all video sources for debugging purposes

        Debug.Log("Number of web cams connected: " + devices.Length);

        for (int i = 0; i < devices.Length; i++)


            Debug.Log(i + " " + devices[i].name);


        if (ricohStream == null)

            ricohStream = new WebCamTexture(camName, 3840, 1920); // Resolution you want

        if (!ricohStream.isPlaying)


    if (camMaterial != null)

            camMaterial.mainTexture = ricohStream;



Then just attach a skybox/panoramic material to camMaterial and use that same material for your skybox.

I basically just followed the same steps as this post:
Stream Ricoh Theta to Unity Skybox

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