EXIF Tag Documentation

Information below is from GitHub ref

begin information from GitHub from community developer

Actually, RICOH is not familiar with how exiftool parses each tags and calculate each Date/Time information. But I did same test with Theta Z1 ver 3.10.2 and exiftool ver 10.78 on Windows machine.

File Modification Date/Time     : 2023:09:18 10:25:47+09:00
File Access Date/Time           : 2023:09:18 10:28:27+09:00
File Creation Date/Time         : 2023:09:18 10:26:44+09:00
Track Create Date               : 2023:09:18 01:25:47
Track Modify Date               : 2023:09:18 01:25:47
Media Create Date               : 2023:09:18 01:25:47
Media Modify Date               : 2023:09:18 01:25:47
Modify Date                     : 2023:09:18 10:25:38
Date/Time Original              : 2023:09:18 10:25:38
Create Date                     : 2023:09:18 10:25:38

My guess is following.

Track Create Date               : 2023:09:18 01:25:47
Track Modify Date               : 2023:09:18 01:25:47

These metadata seem be parsed from moovtraktkhdCreationTime and ModificationTime stored in MP4 file. THETA Z1 stores these metadata as the timestamp at the end of video recording, and as UTC (coordinated universal time) format.
You can refer to QuickTime File Format provided by Apple as well.

Media Create Date               : 2023:09:18 01:25:47
Media Modify Date               : 2023:09:18 01:25:47

Also, I guess these metadata seem be parsed from moovtrakmdiamdhdCreationTime and ModificationTime stored in MP4 file. Normally THETA Z1 stores to this metadata same values as tkhd , but I am not sure at this time why yours are all zero in the result.

By the way, In my simple test, Track Create/Modify Date looks be parsed from video track, but Media Create/Modify Date looks be parsed from audio trak. I don’t know why exiftool works like this.

Modify Date                     : 2023:09:18 10:25:38
Create Date                     : 2023:09:18 10:25:38

I guess that exiftool seems calculate these timestamp as at the start of video recording, with using duration (=the length of video recording) information.

File Modification Date/Time     : 2023:09:18 10:25:47+09:00
File Access Date/Time           : 2023:09:18 10:28:27+09:00
File Creation Date/Time         : 2023:09:18 10:26:44+09:00

I guess that they looks be related the timestamp at the last modification / at the last accessing / at the copying MP4 files at PC side.

I don’t have information for other tags Create Date and Content Create Date now.