GPS Coordinates in Theta App too coarse and not enough decimal places in the Lat Long. Theta V

ok, figured out what’s wrong with the logger. It just stops working in background about 2 minutes after it’s made inactive on a smartphone. The solution to it is simple, turn off any battery optimization in the app settings and it will log even when you turn the screen off manually.

The only thing else that needs to be mentioned the app called “GPSLogger” not “GPS Logger for Android” The second one can work as a logger but has too many settings and does not want to log every second. The “GpsLogger” is super easy to setup, logs every second and you can even create waypoints manually instead of logging location as track points every second automatically. Here is a link to the app

The software GPicSync that is used on a desktop with correcting location in images from the GPX log file can be found at