For the past 4-5 years, I have mailed Z1s to my clients around the country. They simply download the Theta app and I provided clear instructions on the capture process. It has worked perfectly, though I always wished I could offer a branded option. Regardless, they shoot the photos, upload to me for editing through their computer, then I build a virtual tour.
Now that the Theta app is no longer being updated, I don’t want to force my clients into creating an unnecessary account with the new Ricoh360 app. This seems like the perfect time to look into my own app.
I spent much of the afternoon combing through this awesome forum. It seems like many things are technically possible, but I wanted to get a little advice before I dive into this rabbit hole – I certainly cannot code an app so I would be paying someone to accomplish this.
My goal is to have a basic app similar to the original Theta version. I don’t need ALL of the original functionality, but I definitely want Live Preview and the same Camera Control options. Will a custom app still be able to utilize in-camera HDR stitching as before? If not, that pretty much ends the journey now.
Also, with the old Theta app getting retired, will that affect the API or any custom apps?
I would love to chat with any developers that have already gone down this road.