James Donahower's Shutter Volume Plug-in

During a meetup, community member James Donahower built a plug-in to adjust the shutter volume of the camera with just the side buttons. No mobile app required.

Download it from the store

If you have any questions or problems using the plug-in, please post them here.

Shutter Volume Control

RICOH THETA plug-in to set shutter volume.

Intended Use

Adjust shutter volume without the use of your mobile phone. This could be especially useful if you have problems connecting your mobile phone to the THETA or your don’t have your mobile phone with you, but can connect your laptop to the THETA with a USB cable.


  • Press Wi-Fi button to cycle between 4 pre-set shutter volumes.
  • Plays sample shutter sound. Does not take picture.
  • Exit plug-in to save shutter volume.

LED Explanation

  • White LED: sound chirp when set. Shutter Sound Off.
  • Cyan LED: 25% volume
  • Yellow LED: 50% volume
  • Magenta LED: 75% volume
  • Red LED: maximum volume
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