Quality Issues for 360 Degree Live Streaming with Ricoh Theta X In Unity

Hey everyone!
I have a Unity project where I am taking the live 360 degree video from a Ricoh Theta X camera (wired to computer via USB-C to USB-A 3.0 cable) and displaying it on a skybox in Unity. I am doing this by attaching the live video feed from the camera onto a hidden sphere in the scene by having the following code assigned to the sphere.

using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;

public class videoStream360 : MonoBehaviour
    public Material skyboxMaterial;  // Drag your skybox material here in the Unity editor

    void Start()
        WebCamDevice[] devices = WebCamTexture.devices;
        Debug.Log("Number of webcams connected: " + devices.Length);

        for (int i = 0; i < devices.Length; i++)
            string camName = devices[i].name;
            Debug.Log("Webcam device " + i + " is " + camName);

        // Set a higher resolution and frame rate
        WebCamTexture mycam = new WebCamTexture(devices[4].name);

        // Set texture filter mode to improve quality
        mycam.filterMode = FilterMode.Bilinear;

        // Assign the WebCamTexture to the skybox material's texture
        skyboxMaterial.SetTexture("_MainTex", mycam);

    void Update()
        // Optionally, you can add dynamic updates to the skybox here if needed.

The reason for doing this is I then attach a meta quest 2 headset to Unity and when viewing the scene through the headset I am able to see the 360 degree video environment. I am having an issue right now where the quality of the video when being viewed through the headset is not good enough. I have tried a couple different things to get the quality better but have not had success. Does anyone know of any ways to get the quality of the camera better into Unity and into the headset? Thank you!

Is it possible to post a screenshot of the scene that you see inside the headset? Based on the “quality issue”, people might be better able to think of an idea.

Here are some screenshots through the meta quest view of the headset. The quality is extremely low. For what we are trying to accomplish in our project this quality is too low.

Inspect the image in this post:

Is the image below from Manuel more suitable for your application?

To inspect the image, you can click on the image in the forum and download the original screenshot posted in his original post.

If there is a difference in frame clarity, what is the difference in the approach from what you are implementing?

Download image from forum technique:

  1. click on image in forum post
  2. press download in lower image menu
  3. inspect image on local computer
  4. advise if there is a difference in clarity from what you are seeing in your implementation
