I have been using my SC2 for a while and I am trying to find a way around the limiting feature of interval timer using the exposure from the fist shot for all subsequent shots. I am trying to program an ESP32 micro controller to trigger the shutter via BLE on a Theta Sc2. Does anyone know the BLE message I need to send to do this?
A RICOH customer just contacted us about this, so @jcasman and I are going to ask RICOH if they have any examples. If I make any progress, I will report back.
If you have any information about your project that you can share with us, we can include this in the report to RICOH when we request for the examples. You can send a DM to @jcasman or email.
that I press sends a “volume up” message to the SC2 to trigger the shutter. I have programmed my ESP32 to send the same signal and if i connect my phone to the ESP32 via bluetooth it will make the phone take a photo. What I now need to find out vis how to connect the SC2 to the ESP32. I presume that its only looks to connect to BLE devices that advertise certain services/characteristics but not sure what those might be. Can anyone guide me?
The ESP32 code modified from example in Arduino IDE is
and managed to write the code to send the correct bluetooth command (volume up or down) to trigger the shutter. However I didn’t manage to program the bluetooth pairing, so i gave up. This week I had an idea, what about using a trigger that pairs with the camera and then triggering the trigger with the esp 8266. Photo shows the purchased trigger (£2.99, the yellow thing with two buttons click on the photo to see it). I took the circuit board out of the trigger and connected it to the power from a Wemos D1 Mini. I then soldered wires either side of one of the buttons and connected them to a relay which is connected to the Wemos D1 Mini. I then programmed the Wemos to close the relay for 100ms every 20 seconds. This allows me to take a shot every 20 seconds and because its not in timelapse mode, the camera works out the exposure for each shot. Problem solved, now I can take timelapses without having to press the shutter for each shot.