Skype or video conferencing apps

You can get the equirectangular image to show up with UVC Blender. However, this is probably not what you want. To get 360 video conferencing with navigation, you’ll need to use a commercial service.

Unfortunately, I don’t know of a good one right now that is usable. Hopefully, someone will build a deploy a service for consumer use soon. It’s technically possible to do it, so a service may already be out.

Something like Facebook Spaces may support the THETA streaming one day. It’s possible that it already works and nobody has tested it.

The RICOH peer-to-peer communication API does work with the THETA S.

There’s information for developers at the link below.

You can view the stream in a web browser:

Although a cool demo, it’s not usable as a commercial solution due to lack of consumer features. It’s a demo of the technology for developers to build something.

Ricoh also demoed a large-scale video conferencing system with the THETA S.


There’s also information on using the THETA S with OpenTok.

The article above indicates that they have the THETA S working with Discuss.IO.