Community Applications on GitHub, updated March 2017
Image Viewing
JavaScript 360 Image Viewers
Photo Sphere Viewer by Jeremy Heleine
- good and popular viewer. Uses Three.js
ThetaViewer by Atsushi Kokubo
- Viewer works great. Documentation is in Japanese. This would be great for @jcasman to translate into English.
- Viewer works great. Documentation is in Japanese. This would be great for @jcasman to translate into English.
theta-viewer.js by Sho Hashimoto
- Animate multiple-Photos taken by RICOH THETA.
Google VR for Web by Google
- Solid 360 image and video viewer that can be embedded in web site or mobile phone
Pannellum by Matthew Petroff
- lightweight, free, and open source panorama viewer for the web
A-Frame by MozVR
- A web framework for building virtual reality experiences
Other Image Viewers
PanoramaViewer by Sunao Hashimoto
- Written in Processing language. No documentation.
Camera Control
JavaScript Control of Camera
- node-ricoh-theta by Sho Hashimoto
- Simple JavaScript samples to use API by community
Ricoh-Theta-S-Cordova by Karl Carpenter
- Multiple warnings that this is unpolished but includes good info on Cordova plugins for those doing hybrid mobile apps
Other Camera Controllers
OpenSphericalCamera Client by Duiker Research
- A Python library for interfacing with cameras that implement the OpenSphericalCamera API
scala-ricoh by Freddie Poser
- Download photos from the RICOH THETA using scala or Java
- Example Python script from community member Ulrich Rossgoderer. This was posted in the THETA Developer Forum. Uses the requests module, which you may need to install on your system.
Small Board (like ESP8266) Camera Control
RICOH THETA S Full Remote Controller by Katsuya-san
- Uses ESP8266 and WiFi to control a THETA S. It would be great for @jcasman to translate.
- Uses ESP8266 and WiFi to control a THETA S. It would be great for @jcasman to translate.
RICOH THETA S Simple Remote Controller by Katsuya-san
- RICOH THETA S Remote Control Software (Single Button Edition) for Switch Science ESP-WROOM-02 Dev.board
Video Streaming
THETA_GL by mganeko
- THETA WebGL viewer using three.js This looks super interesting
Pull Request by Daniel Sandoval, adding “Cardboard” functionality, Mobile Fullscreen and (OpenTok) WebRTC Element Overrides
unity-steamvr-demo by Megan Zimmerman
- Full tutorial called “RICOH THETA S Unity SteamVR Demo” published in the THETA Unofficial Guide community
Ricoh Video Streaming Samples by RICOH
- Sample applications written by RICOH engineers for live streaming of 360 video using WebRTC for browser to browser video chat or to use a Raspberry Pi to stream video to a browser. Includes JavaScript code to convert a dual-fisheye stream into equirectangular within the browser [UPDATED: Depends on discontinued cloud authentication service]
THETA-S-LiveViewer-P5 by Sunao Hashimoto
- Live streaming using the Processing language
theta-s-quartz by Kieran Farr
- CamTwist Effect Plugin to Convert Theta-S Live Video from Fisheye to Equirectangular via Quartz. An experiment to use OS X Quartz Composer to transform Ricoh Theta S live feed dual fisheye to equirectangular.
ThetaWifiStreaming by Makoto
- THETA S WiFi streaming demo with Unity using PC/Mac
Time-Lapse Photography
Photosphere by Koen Hufkens, Research Associate at Harvard
- Connect a Raspberry Pi and the USB API with a Ricoh Theta S for time-lapse spheres for tracking changes in leaf development in a Northeastern US forest (
tlapser360 by Jason Charcalla
- Time-lapse auto-adjust camera with Adafruit LUX meter, geotagging with gpsd, USB camera control, Raspberry Pi