Using USB API (MTP) with libghoto2 and Python bindings on MacOS, Raspberry Pi, Linux, ROS

I found a way to change shutterspeed on the Theta V with gphoto2 (on linux raspbian but it shoud work on others platforms)
Since version 2.5.10, Ricoh Shutterspeed in implemented in libghoto2 but it was not working with the Theta V (at least for me).
After a few tries I found that the VendorID reported on the Theta V is 0x00000006, this number is MICROSOFT and not PENTAX (the ricoh shutterspeed is only for PENTAX VendorID)

I add this ligne in config.c (libgphoto2-2.5.23\camlibs\ptp2)

{ N_(“Shutter Speed”), “shutterspeed”, PTP_DPC_RICOH_ShutterSpeed, PTP_VENDOR_MICROSOFT, PTP_DTC_UINT64, _get_Ricoh_ShutterSpeed, _put_Ricoh_ShutterSpeed },

just after this one :

{ N_(“Shutter Speed”), “shutterspeed”, PTP_DPC_RICOH_ShutterSpeed, PTP_VENDOR_PENTAX, PTP_DTC_UINT64, _get_Ricoh_ShutterSpeed, _put_Ricoh_ShutterSpeed },

You need to compile libgphoto2 and now you can use
gphoto2 --get-config shutterspeed
gphoto2 --set-config-index shutterspeed=10

(with the property 0xD00F it’s not working)

If ExposureProgramMode=2 (Normal)
I get:

Label: Shutter Speed
Readonly: 0
Current: Auto
Choice: 0 Auto

if I switch to ExposureProgramMode=4 (Shutter priority program)
(gphoto2 --set-config=/main/other/500e=4 )
I get

Label: Shutter Speed
Readonly: 0
Current: 1/60
Choice: 0 1/25000
Choice: 1 1/20000
Choice: 2 1/16000
Choice: 3 1/12500
Choice: 4 1/10000
Choice: 5 1/8000
Choice: 6 1/6400
Choice: 7 1/5000
Choice: 8 1/4000
Choice: 9 1/3200
Choice: 10 1/2500
Choice: 11 1/2000
Choice: 12 1/1600
Choice: 13 1/1250
Choice: 14 1/1000
Choice: 15 1/800
Choice: 16 1/640
Choice: 17 1/500
Choice: 18 1/400
Choice: 19 1/320
Choice: 20 1/250
Choice: 21 1/200
Choice: 22 1/160
Choice: 23 1/125
Choice: 24 1/100
Choice: 25 1/80
Choice: 26 1/60
Choice: 27 1/50
Choice: 28 1/40
Choice: 29 1/30

Bye bye ptpcam (the main camera led was blinking during ptpcam shutterspeed modification - not very good - and sometimes the camera was disconnected from usb)


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