July 6, 2022, 10:01pm
Have you seen these posts?
I found a way to change shutterspeed on the Theta V with gphoto2 (on linux raspbian but it shoud work on others platforms)
Since version 2.5.10, Ricoh Shutterspeed in implemented in libghoto2 but it was not working with the Theta V (at least for me).
After a few tries I found that the VendorID reported on the Theta V is 0x00000006, this number is MICROSOFT and not PENTAX (the ricoh shutterspeed is only for PENTAX VendorID)
I add this ligne in config.c (libgphoto2-2.5.23\camlibs\ptp2)
{ N_(“…
I had the same error with gphoto2 installed from apt. The fix is working but you need to modify and recompile libgphoto2.
It will be nice if you make a pull request. Before that if someone could check the VendorID on others Theta cameras in order to make the correction for all the theta models.
Refer to the first post above for recompilation information for RICOH THETA with gphoto2 shutterspeed. As the post is a bit old, I am not sure if it is still relevant to the current version.
{ N_(“Shutter Speed”), “shutterspeed”, PTP_DPC_RICOH_ShutterSpeed, PTP_VENDOR_MICROSOFT, PTP_DTC_UINT64, _get_Ricoh_ShutterSpeed, _put_Ricoh_ShutterSpeed },
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