View video from Theta V on Oculus Rift S

Hi, complete new user here. I have been given the task of trying to establish whether or not it is possible view 360 deg video or photos captured on a Theta V on an Oculus Rift S VR headset. I’m still trying to get to grips with the terminology so apologies if I appear dumb! Firstly, is it possible and secondly, if it can be done, is there a resource that could guide a newbie through the process?

Thanks for any suggestions.

I don’t have a Rift S to test, but it should be possible.

I’ve used this on an HTC Vive

the 360 video and image format is standard across the 360 cameras. You can just search for 360 video Oculus Rift S and 360 image viewing Oculus Rift S.

If you have a Rift S, you can test the media yourself at the link below.

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Thanks so much. I will test it in the morning :slight_smile: