Auto-connect to the camera using Ricoh Theta iOS SDK


Is there a way I can detect the IP address of the 360 Ricoh 360 camera so the user don’t need to manually enter the IP address? Currently it is difficult for user’s to train on how to locate ip address of the camera.

SDK which I am referring to: GitHub - ricohapi/theta-api2.1-ios-sdk: RICOH THETA API v2.1 SDK for iOS

Any suggestion on this will be helpful.


If the user uses Access Point mode, the THETA is always at

If you use Client Mode, you must use discovery.

See this:
Tip: Developing THETA "Client Mode" Applications

There are many examples for IP discovery. You will have to implement it for your mobile app.

I have not tried it on iOS, but these docs may help.

Implementing Bonjour across iOS and Android – Jaanus
Deployment Reference for iPhone and iPad - Apple Support

From the first article:

(I know that technically it’s “Bonjour” only on Apple platforms. The Android implementation officially calls itself Network Service Discovery. And both of them are implementations of “zero-configuration networking” using “DNS-SD (Service Discovery)” and “Multicast DNS” and… enough alphabet soup yet? Let’s just use “Bonjour” in this post.)

this is a quick example with Python

Ricoh THETA V client mode WiFi discovery for use with companion script to run WiFi API to control camera · GitHub

Testing from Mac command line

dns-sd -B _osc._tcp
ping Instance_name.local
