CONSTRUCTION: Cupix Official Launch Announcement Coming Soon

Just received this from Cupix, based in the Bay Area, they on the experts panel for the 360° Tech in Construction webinar.


Official Launch Announcement

We’re just writing to let you know about some very exciting news. We have been preparing for our final release for some time now, and we are pleased to announce that on Friday, June 22, 2018, at 3:00 a.m. EST. Cupix will be officially launched!

A big thank you…

At Cupix, we couldn’t be more grateful for all of the feedback we’ve received from each and every one of you! Without a doubt, this whole journey would have been much harder without all of our devoted beta users like you, some of whom have been with us since the very beginning, when we started back in August 2017.

Our achievements…

During the public beta period, we have released a number of significant enhancements including:

  • The addition of tens of innovative new features to our software
  • Resolving hundreds of bugs
  • Developing the wide range of creative uses for our pioneering 3D virtual tour creation software, from cultural heritage documentation; visual collaboration of construction sites; 3D BIM comparisons; collaboration of community construction projects; first-person view of baseball stadium seats; facility management; floor plan creation; fire scene investigation to semi-aerial photography when drones aren’t allowed in a given setting; among many others.

More about our launch…

From the launch day, all Cupix beta accounts will be turned into free trial accounts, and you will have 30 days to select a subscription plan. The good news is that files you have uploaded and 3D tours you have created during the beta period will not be counted against a subscription plan.

Stay tuned!

All details about plans and pricing will be announced on the launch day at our homepage.

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This is great.

I think Cupix gives a hell of alot of people opportunities to step into the otherwise prohibitive space occupied by another platform :wink:

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@Ingo_Pless, thanks for giving your valuable feedback. Do you think that Cupix combined with an inexpensive camera like the THETA V can compete with the expensive solutions from Matterport?

I took a look at Matterport over a year ago and at the time, their camera was $3,600.

I then took another look at it after watching a video by Mic Ty.

Would be great to get your viewpoint on all these great advancements. It seems like we’re on the cusp of a lot of changes in how 360 images can help businesses.

Hi Craig,

From my limited direct experience with the Beta, Cupix seems set to be the “giant killer”, I would be concerned if they mess it up with prohibitive pricing. I looked at Matterport when the system was over $6k a few years back and do have great hopes for Cupix.


@Ingo_Pless thanks for your thoughts. It’s great to hear honest impressions like this. Realistically, I don’t think many of us have time to assess all the technology thoroughly. The best way is to get many impressions from different people and form a wisdom of the crowd. This is probably the best way to predict the future and potentially leverage a trend for business or personal goals.

There’s a risk in waiting too long and losing the opportunity. There’s also a risk of focusing on a new technology too early and then realizing that it doesn’t solve the business problem. It’s tough to balance the risks, but we can learn from each other and help each other save time.

IMO, Cupix could be a low-cost giant killer. I’m going to send the founders a note and ask them about their commercial pricing plans. Thanks.

Here’s the information on the Matterport prices. The camera cost $4,000.

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Hi Craig, this seems pertinent.

Points raised by Dan Smigrod “We get around network”.

  1. CUPIX is disrupting the tools needed to create a 3D Tour (any 360º camera)
  2. CUPIX is disrupting capture time: hours instead of days to shoot 100,000 SQ FT
  3. CUPIX is disrupting the viewing experience: split-screen for side-by-side comparison with a 3D Tour shot on a different day (progress) and split-screen for side-by-side comparison with a 3D Tour to the BIM model (architect’s 3D CAD model)
  4. CUPIX is disrupting long term hosting. (Not necessary: download all assets with CUPIX player
  5. CUPIX is disrupting privacy. Model never needs to be made public for viewing or sharing. And, CUPIX team an NOT see the model without your invitation to view
  6. CUPIX is disrupting outdoor scanning
  7. CUPIX is disrupting Photogrammetry with videogrammetry (to enable insanely fast capture

CUPIX is still in Beta. And, it is still free while in Beta.

While CUPIX does not display a dollhouse view, it DOES display an interactive map so that you can easily jump from scan-to-scan and see the orientation of the view.

Buy an under $500 360º camera (that also shoots video) and take CUPIX for a spin.

If you are a Matterport Pro, you’ll also want to know how to shoot large commercial spaces at affordable pricing. If you haven’t bought a Matterport Camera - and are interested in large commercial spaces (particularly AEC) - CUPIX may save you thousands of dollars in upfront Camera gear.

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I’ve been in contact with the founders and they let me know that they just put their pricing on their web site.
This looks like competitive pricing.