Hi,I’m trying to understand the application. Do you have it working on Windows 10 64bit, but not on Linux?
If so, be aware that the Linux kernel does not fully support UVC 1.5. This means that the Linux stream is using UVC 1.1 MotionJPEG 1280x720 @ 15fps.
With UVC 1.5 support on Windows, you’ll get 1920x1080 @ 30fps with firmware 01.82 or higher, H.264
Can you display the dual-fisheye live stream on Liinux?
I did use the stream on Linux a while ago, but not using Unity.
There’s some additional information here.
This is primarily to show you that live streaming does work with Linux. I haven’t tried it with Unity on Linux, which is what you need.
I know that people are using live streaming with Unity on Android, so it’s likely the kernel does support it.