there are two techniques to get the thumbnails from camera.listFiles.
Technique 1
set maxThumSize
to 640
'name': 'camera.listFiles',
'parameters': {'fileType': 'image', 'entryCount': 10, 'maxThumbSize': 640}
- only works on Z1 and V
- will only work on SC2 with a single file
- to use this technique with an SC2, you must change the startPosition for every file. The SC2 will only return the thumbnail for a single file
Technique 2
get the thumbnail from the fileUrl
This example shown with Dart.
var thumb64 = responseBody['results']['entries'][0]['thumbnail'];
String fileUrl = responseBody['results']['entries'][0]['fileUrl'];
String name = responseBody['results']['entries'][0]['name'];
print('fileUrl: $fileUrl, name: $name');
// there are two different techniques to get the thumbnail
// you can either convert it from base64
// Image thumbnail = Image.memory(base64Decode(thumb64));
// or, you can use the query ?type=thumb
var responseImage = await http.get(Uri.parse('$fileUrl?type=thumb'));
var imageBytes = responseImage.bodyBytes;
Image thumbnail = Image.memory(imageBytes);
Clicking on Image to Get the Full Image
You can pull the full image from the camera as the image is accessible with a HTTP GET call.
Create a class that holds information on the image.
class ThetaImage {
final String fileUrl;
final String name;
final Image thumbnail;
ThetaImage(this.fileUrl,, this.thumbnail);
Once you have the class with properties for fileUrl
, name
, and thumbnail
, you can store objects for your image in a lightweight array and use the array to display the thumbnails.
In the example below, the InkWell is a type of button. The thumbnail is the button. When the thumbnail is pressed, the app will change to display the full image.
var responseBody = jsonDecode(response.body);
List<Container> thumbList = [];
var entriesList = responseBody['results']['entries'];
for (var entry in entriesList) {
var thumb64 = entry['thumbnail'];
Image thumbnail = Image.memory(base64Decode(thumb64));
Container imageContainer = Container(
child: InkWell(
child: thumbnail,
onTap: () {
In future articles, I’ll provide more information on managing the state of the application to handle progress loading spinner and error states with the thumbnails.