HowTo: theta-client iOS 17 and Xcode 16.0 in Oct 2024

How to build the theta-client 1.10.2 for iOS 17 using Xcode 16. This demo uses cocoapods and a Podfile.

RICOH THETA theta-client Open Source SDK

iOS demo for theta-client


The Podfile is a configuration file that will install a compiled version of theta-client library from the Internet.

# Uncomment the next line to define a global platform for your project
# platform :ios, '9.0'
platform :ios, '15.0'

target 'SdkSample' do
  # Comment the next line if you don't want to use dynamic frameworks

  # Pods for SdkSample
  pod 'THETAClient', '1.10.2'


From what I can tell, the viewer is a JavaScript file that is run in a WebView

In index.js,

const { ViewerContainer } = window.RICOH360Viewer;
const { rxjs } = window;
const { operators } = rxjs;

The viewer is created like this:

const viewer = new ViewerContainer({
  div: divElement,
  config: {
    color: {
      background: 'navy',
    controls: {
      scrollZoom: true,
    scene: {
      numOfCache: 3,
    transitionDuration: 5, // millisecond
    view: {
      keepCoords: true,
      limit3D: {
        maxVFov: 2.8, // radian
        minVFov: 0.8,
        maxHFov: 2.8,
