Live Streaming 360 Degree Video to Headsets

I’m researching ways to get 360 degree streaming video. I’m thinking of using a RICOH R Dev Kit when it’s available to stream an equirectangular video into the headset.

This article is a good starting point.


We’re doing this with the S: video of it on

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The link to “How do I pronounce Woah?” is pretty funny. :slight_smile:

Will your application work with an equirectangular stream?

We’re looking for demo ideas for the next meetup in the SF Bay, probably near Stanford University this time.

What I want to do is put the Android phone in cardboard or daydream and then have the scene move when I turn my head. Does your app do this?

Would like to get more information on your application if you can share anything.

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Nice meeting you today on Skype, Paul. Everywoah sounds pretty interesting. VR headsets make the 360 content look so good. Very exciting application you’re talking about. Looking forward to finding out more.

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The MVP beta is ready for you guys to try it out. Craig has details. I look forward to hearing back.

do you have your app working with Periscope? I may have found someone that can help test it.

we’re working on it, but that is not ready yet.

I’m talking to Jesse in 30 minutes about the demo.

I tried it in several locations but the app would not connect to YouTube. Any suggestions?

Was there any error message? @jcasman and I were planning to show the Everywoah app at the 2/28 meetup. Did it just not connect?

I have not tested it yet as my phone does not have the required spec.

I should have done a screenshot. I will do one today. It just keeps saying that it is not connecting to YouTube. I also have CameraFi app and have used it to broadcast to FB, but FB does not recognize the 360 info so it does not display in 360. I will continue testing today.

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We achieved Periscope 360 with Spheri beta with live nadir watermarks today at #4YFN during Mobile World Congress with a Theta S on a pure mobile workflow.

Check out #woah tomorrow for more.

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Can we get details of how you accomplished it?

I just tried to get access to the form for the beta testing of Spheri and get a 404 error. Can someone involved help?

Spheri does not connect to YouTube and the app is in closed beta for now.

Although we are also now Scoping with the Insta360 Air with live nadir watermarking there’s a fair amount of optimisation/testing to do still with the proof of concept. You are welcome to sign up for updates on mailing list footer of tx.