New AI-powered features on the THETA Developers Forum

I’m new to Personas in AI, so I’ve been testing the ones that are available with the AI Chatbot. I asked the same question to all 9 Personas. I’m summarizing and showing the responses here.

High Level: I’m asking a question about using the THETA X API. So I’d like to understand the main steps, and I’d like specific code examples to get me through. I’m using GPT-4 Omni for all of the Personas. I asked this question:

What’s the best way to set the resolution to 11K using the WebAPI on a THETA X?


  1. Web Artifact Creator, showed the best code examples. First showed JavaScript, responded to prompts for Swift and Kotlin examples
  2. GitHub Helper looked good at a glance but had an important API command wrong. This would be hard to spot for developer just getting used to the API.
  3. Discourse Helper and SQL Helper are intended for questions about the forum software, not about the camera API


Detailed response, shows curl examples. Adds an Additional Considerations section at the end that is pretty high level and not so useful.

Forum Helper

States that there aren’t any direct results specifically detailing how to set the resolution to 11K using the WebAPI for the THETA X. Then links to 3 threads, 1 of which is directly related. Also links to RICOH official documentation.


Shows a general guide to set the resolution to 11K using the WebAPI on a Ricoh THETA X. Says you need to interact with the camera’s API to adjust the capture settings. Shows an example payload for setting camera.setOptions.

Discourse Helper

Searches the Discourse Meta for relevant discussions or guides, which is the site for handling questions around Discourse, the open source forum software that this forum is using. Predictably, it doesn’t find anything.

GitHub Helper

Searches Github for relevant discussions or guides. Says it retrieved content of theta-web-api-v2.1/options/ from ricohapi/theta-api-specs@main. It produced a concise, step by step way of setting the resolution to 11K. Unfortunately, it somehow came up with an API command that does not exist: photoResolution. When told to correct this, it did, on the first try, showing how to set camera.setOptions.


Searches Google, where it found 10 results, and also has “Browse Web” which is listed as one thread on .guide (THETA X API Documentation)

Response had the best summary sentence of all the Personas, in my opinion:

To set the resolution to 11K on a Ricoh THETA X using the WebAPI, you’ll need to utilize the fileFormat option within the API. The 11K image format is supported, and the settings for this can be configured through the WebAPI. But only shows a 'general guideline on how you might set this up."

Settings Explorer

Fairly general response, but gives OK instructions, including showing an example setting camera.setOptions and mentions being able to check the settings using camera.getOptions.

SQL Helper

Just focused on SQL responses and it tells you that: “I’m here to assist with SQL queries and database-related questions, particularly in the context of Discourse forums. For specific technical questions about setting resolutions on devices like the THETA X using a WebAPI, I recommend consulting the device’s official documentation or support resources. If you have any questions related to databases or need help with SQL, feel free to ask!”

Web Artifact Creator

Good response, shows example using JavaScript with the Fetch API. It was easy to ask for Swift and Kotlin examples instead. Key Points section nicely summarizes API Endpoint that you use, API Command that you set, and the Resolution settings. Asks Would you like help setting up a complete web component to interact with the THETA X using this approach? I said Yes and it showed the CSS, HTML and JavaScript to build a button labeled “Set Resolution to 11K” that a user can click to send the API request.

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