NEW: THETA X 4K Live Preview - motionjpeg WiFi 360 video streaming at 30fps

The RICOH THETA X can now provide live preview at 4K 30fps over HTTP, WiFi or Ethernet, direct from the camera using firmware 2.63.0 (most recent as of February 3, 2025). Refer to the API documentation and the commit for the change. This is a significant upgrade from the previous 512 x 512 preview. This is also higher than the preview for the V or Z1.

The documentation indicates that Ethernet is recommended instead of WiFi.

theta-api-specs/theta-web-api-v2.1/options/ at main · ricohapi/theta-api-specs · GitHub

sending command for 4K live preview

  "name" : "camera.setOptions",
  "parameters" : {
    "options" : {
      "previewFormat" : {
        "width" : 3840,
        "height" : 1920,
        "framerate" : 30


  "name" : "camera.setOptions",
  "state" : "done"

testing saved options

  "name" : "camera.getOptions",
  "parameters" : {
    "optionNames" : [ "iso", "captureMode", "_wlanFrequency", "sleepDelay", "offDelay", "previewFormat" ]


  "results" : {
    "options" : {
      "iso" : 0,
      "_wlanFrequency" : 5.0,
      "sleepDelay" : 1800,
      "captureMode" : "image",
      "previewFormat" : {
        "framerate" : 30,
        "height" : 1920,
        "width" : 3840
      "offDelay" : 3000
  "name" : "camera.getOptions",
  "state" : "done"

Connecting THETA X with Ethernet

There are two ways to connect the THETA X with Ethernet and exchange information with a computer.

  1. use Ethernet hub (home router is generally sufficient if you have a spare Ethernet port on the router)
  2. direct connection between THETA X and computer without hub

using hub

This is simple as you just plug the THETA X into the hub.

If you want to run the THETA X without battery, you need to have a power supply with sufficient current. Some mobile phone chargers will not work. In my test, I used the MacBook Air charger to power the THETA X. I recommend using the THETA X without battery to reduce heat.

direct camera to computer connection, no hub

To set up a direct camera to computer connection, I set up a DHCP server on Linux and Internet sharing on MacOS. For Windows, I used DHCP Server for Windows

I didn’t document the DHCP Server for Windows, but I have it working with RICOH THETA X Ethernet and can document it if there is interest.

Display of Live Preview

I previously used Bob Katter’s Python application to display Live Preview on Windows, Mac, Linux. The THETA X must be in client mode.

This can be used with OpenCV at 4K 30fps.


Additionally, the theta-client library has demos that show live preview display.

This is a recent test
on React Native
with theta-client 1.11.1

Note that if you use React Native for your own app and are using the New Architecture (React Native 0.76 and 0.77), you should refer to this article:

FIX: React Native Crash on Start with theta-client

If you’re using theta-client from iOS Swift, refer to this tutorial:

HowTo: theta-client 1.11.1 with iOS 18 using Swift from demo-ios - #2 by craig

Refer to the theta-client category for additional tutorials

at 400% zoom

single fisheye streaming

  "name" : "camera.setOptions",
  "parameters" : {
    "options" : {
      "previewFormat" : {"width": 512, "height": 512, "framerate": 30}

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