Tips for Car Sales Shots

Yeah it’s from Topaz Labs and it’s (in my opinion) miracle software.

They offer three main products: Denoise, Sharpen, and Gigapixel. Gigapixel has some of the same AI algorithms for denoise and sharpen as the other two dedicated applications and I actually find it does a better job at both of those tasks than their dedicated counterparts.

I’ve done countless tests to integrate various enhancement and editing steps into my 360 workflow and found that Gigapixel actually works best AFTER stitching and won’t create any seams along stitch lines. Other products like AuroraHDR will create seams and must be run before stitching.

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Oh, so did you buy the bundle for $199.99?


I may work with @jcasman to contact them and try and get a giveaway for the community in some type of luck-of-the-draw promotion.

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Yeah but to be honest I don’t ever use DeNoise or Sharpen for Theta images. Gigapixel does a far better job at both of those tasks and enlarges the image in the process.

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Google has been having bugs with their Street View uploads lately so it took a while for this to resolve on their servers. Here’s a link to the full dealership tour on Google if anyone’s interested:

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Beautiful tour. Thanks for sharing it. Great job with the lovely colors of the automobiles.

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Hi mcrowen, this is an awosome job! can you please share the step by steep please? when you bracketed the 9 photos did you do it manually or with tge dual fishe eye raw plugiin and then merge with lighroom?


Hi Andres, I took 9 raw brackets using the original DualFisheye Plugin, merged with SNS HDR, sharpened with Gigapixel and touched up in Affinity Photo to correct for small stitching errors and desaturate the exterior.

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It’s amazing that you’re able to consistently use the Topaz Gigapixel AI technology in your workflow and have figured out a way to reduce the artifacts. I’m assuming your workflow still involves using Gigapixel after stitching. Also interesting that you moved from Aurora HDR to SNS HDR. I’m assuming the commercial version of SNS HDR.

Beautiful work.

Thanks Craig. Yeah SNS is the Pro version and Gigapixel is always applied after stitching. My choice of HDR software is very situational. I find SNS and Aurora both do really nice luminosity balancing but sometimes I have to use Photomatix if there is a need for significant deghosting like in a bar or gym with TV screens. SNS produces, in my opinion, a slightly more natural look than Aurora and both have better UI than Photomatix.

I’ve tried to find a cookie cutter approach to edit all photos but I’ve found that even my choice of software will vary from job to job. Each job has slightly different requirements and I haven’t found software that covers them all to the standard I require.

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