About the resolution of RICOH THETA V

Why is the resolution obtained using ricoh thetaV different between windows and ubuntu?
In ubunte, the camera is connected using v4l2loopback.

It should be the same resolution. The camera is outputting H.264 at either 2K or 4K.

You can set the resolution. default is 4K (I think)

$ v4l2-ctl --list-formats-ext
	Index       : 0
	Type        : Video Capture
	Pixel Format: 'YU12'
	Name        : Planar YUV 4:2:0
		Size: Discrete 1920x960
			Interval: Discrete 0.033s (30.000 fps)

$ ./gst_loopback --format 4K
start, hit any key to stop

$ v4l2-ctl --device /dev/video2 --list-formats-ext
	Type: Video Capture

	[0]: 'YU12' (Planar YUV 4:2:0)
		Size: Discrete 3840x1920
			Interval: Discrete 0.033s (30.000 fps)

You can also set the resolution on Windows.

What is the difference between Windows and Linux that you’re seeing?

If you’re using Unity with a headset, you also have to set the preview resolution within Unity.

This is the small modification of gst_viewer.c to illustrate how to set the resolution.

if (argc > 1 && strcmp("--format", argv[1]) == 0) {
	if (argc > 2 && strcmp("4K", argv[2]) == 0) {
		printf("THETA live video is 4K");
		res = thetauvc_get_stream_ctrl_format_size(devh,
			THETAUVC_MODE_UHD_2997, &ctrl);	
	} else if (argc > 2 && strcmp("2K", argv[2]) == 0) {
		printf("THETA live video is 2K");
		res = thetauvc_get_stream_ctrl_format_size(devh,
			THETAUVC_MODE_FHD_2997, &ctrl);				
1 Like

thank you. I was able to confirm.

Is it possible to obtain video at a resolution lower than 2K?

Not over the USB cable. You can get lower resolution with motionjpeg.



{"width": 1920, "height": 960, "framerate": 8} *1

{"width": 1024, "height": 512, "framerate": 30} *2

{"width": 1024, "height": 512, "framerate": 8}

{"width": 640, "height": 320, "framerate": 30} *2

{"width": 640, "height": 320, "framerate": 8} *1

*1 firmware v1.00.1 and firmware v1.10.1 or later

*2 firmware v2.21.1 or later

Isn’t it better to get the video over the USB cable and then reduce the resolution to the desired level on the computer that the USB cable is connected to?