API “GET /osc/info” returns the same model “RICOH THETA SC2” in response for SC2 and SC2 for business.
In my app I need to distinguish this cameras because there are different use cases.
Is there any way to distinguish these models?
Response examples:
“manufacturer”: “RICOH”,
“model”: “RICOH THETA SC2”,
“serialNumber”: “00100089”,
“firmwareVersion”: “01.42”,
“supportUrl”: “https://theta360.com/en/support/”,
“gps”: false,
“gyro”: true,
“endpoints”: {
“httpPort”: 80,
“httpUpdatesPort”: 80
“apiLevel”: [
“api”: [
“uptime”: 304,
“_wlanMacAddress”: “58:38:79:35:2a:44”,
“_bluetoothMacAddress”: “c0:84:7d:a4:6d:5b”
SC2 for business:
“manufacturer”: “RICOH”,
“model”: “RICOH THETA SC2”,
“serialNumber”: “40102641”,
“firmwareVersion”: “06.12”,
“supportUrl”: “https://theta360.com/en/support/”,
“gps”: false,
“gyro”: true,
“endpoints”: {
“httpPort”: 80,
“httpUpdatesPort”: 80
“apiLevel”: [
“api”: [
“uptime”: 43,
“_wlanMacAddress”: “58:38:79:48:82:54”,
“_bluetoothMacAddress”: “d4:12:43:b6:ea:85”