RICOH THETA Bluetooth SDK - theta-ble-client

theta-ble-client is a mobile app SDK to connect to the RICOH THETA X and Z1 models with bluetooth. Demos are available for Android, iOS and React Native.

Documentation, including implementation and use instructions are in the docs sub-folder.

theta-ble-client/docs at main · ricohapi/theta-ble-client · GitHub

I built the Android library on Windows 11 with no problems.

PS C:\Users\craig\Documents\Development\ricoh\2023\theta-ble-client> ./gradlew assemble

> Task :kotlin-multiplatform:compileReleaseKotlinAndroid
w: file:///C:/Users/craig/Documents/Development/ricoh/2023/theta-ble-client/kotlin-multiplatform/src/commonMain/kotlin/com/ricoh360/thetableclient/ThetaBle.kt:236:51 This is a delicate API and its use requires care. Make sure you fully read and understand documentation of the declaration that is marked as a delicate API.

Deprecated Gradle features were used in this build, making it incompatible with Gradle 9.0.

You can use '--warning-mode all' to show the individual deprecation warnings and determine if they come from your own scripts or plugins.

For more on this, please refer to in the Gradle documentation.

50 actionable tasks: 50 executed

I like that there is a warning on the ThetaBle.kt build file.

This is a delicate API and its use requires care. Make sure you fully read and understand documentation of the declaration that is marked as a delicate API.


cd .\demos\
cd .\demo-android\

Testing Android build with Android Studio.


Build succeeded


Bluetooth authentication

The RICOH THETA X does not require the Bluetooth authentication steps.


I got this question from the community. Is it possible to use bluetooth without using Wi-Fi at all?

I found this in the API documentation (here): “RICOH THETA authenticates a central device via Web API and Bluetooth API. The camera does not use pairing.”

To me that sounds like you need Wi-Fi to set up bluetooth. Has anyone set up bluetooth without using Wi-Fi?

yea, it did sound to me that WiFi was needed. I can’t remember what I found out in the tests. You could also try and open an issue on GitHub and post the results here if you get a chance.

If there’s time, you could build the Android demo that is included and test it out.

I’m testing it again with the X. It appears that I need to connec twith WiFi using the demo app.

Once connected with WiFi, the Scan BLE button is viewable.

The scan finds my THETA X.
