Ricoh Theta Z1 Lens replacement


I am looking for information related Ricoh Zeta Z1, the camera was on a stand and fell over smashing the outside lens…

Most annoying, my fault for trusting a wobbly stand!!

Any ideas who can repair the camera please?

Outside bubble lens is smashed

I am based in Scotland



Hi, @Suggy
Unfortunately, it’s impossible to repair the broken lens due to the complicated optical lens system. You can contact the nearest support office of Ricoh to replace it. It costs around 800USD.

And you should use the exclusive monopod stand and weight for your next job.

Hope this helps,

Hi, did you manage to get any joy with fixing your lens. I have a Z1 too and it fell over and badly scratched the lens, seems expensive or really difficult to repair.

Thank you for the information


Received from one guy on Facebook forum, also from Ricoh Service in uk

Costs £380 plus VAT…

I e mailed and they replied promptly

Ricoh don’t repair but swap for a replacement unit. Here in the UK contact:

John Pye Technical

Stubby Lane

39-40 Marchington Industrial Estate


ST14 8LP

Tim Castle

01283 829053

Thank you!!, folks, @craig & @jcasman
I got the brllliant badge.



Congratulations and thank you for your contributions to the community. That’s a lot of clicks! Would be nice if RICOH had some type of referral program for traffic to that tripod. :slight_smile:


Nice work, Toyo-san! Really appreciate your contributions. The recent info on Street View Studio is great. Keep going!

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