THETA Z1 DNG Mobile Workflow with Ichi Hirota Stitching and Transfer Apps

If you try it, please post a community report here. thanks.

You can edit the DNG images in Darktable, which is open source and free. See this:


i installed that stitcher. But if i export an jpg from theta to my droid and then try quick pic (or something else) to share it to stich i receive the message, that the “The image is not supported”.

i assume, because the Z1 is already stitching on their own and i therefore do not have a chance to get the unstitched jpg?

I then looked how i can prevent in camera stitching but unfortunately didn’t found anything. The Plugin “DualFisheye” in the Plugin Sore unfortunately run for Theta V only. Is there a different possibility to NOT stitch in camera?

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Maybe i mixed too much in one reply. I try to explain better.

  1. I am not keen to search for a workflow on my Mac/PC. I am fine there (with LR, Stitcher, PTGui, Autopano…).

  2. You wrote about the “Theta Z1 Stitcher for evaluation” which is a Droid application. I know the other apps for the old Theta and Miui and therefore thought to test this one for my new Z1 too.
    a) The Theta app (on Droid) only allow export of JPG to the mobile and not dng.
    b) if i share an exported jpg directly to the “Theta Z1 Stitcher for evaluation” i receive the mentioned error about that “The image is not supported”. But jpgs are already stitched internally. Thats the reason why i asked (and searched for) to have a possibility to not stitch jpgs in camera. The mentioned “DualFisheye” looked like are able to solve that problem. But only runs for Theta V.

  3. In addition i am interested in the complete Dual Fisheye functionality (taking diff pictures for manual conversion and creating an “HDR” picture out of 5-7 single pictures later after export to my mac). Or, of course a different app that works (like the hopefully upcoming EXR app).

  4. Is there a way/possibility to switch off the stitching of JPGs for the Theta Z1? I do not need that and it takes a lot of time while in the meantime some people/objects are moving more than i want. (yes, i know the problem of moving objects).

It can be, that i mixed to much different questions. Sorry for that.
Hope its now much clearer.

The Wi-Fi API (the one the mobile app uses) specifies a way to turn off the stitching of the image of the Z1 and V (firmware 3.00.1 and above).

Either the mobile app already has this new feature ( I have not checked yet) or I suspect (I don’t know for sure) that it will be added soon.

It’s probably worth checking the newest version of the RICOH mobile app to see if this feature is added yet. The camera can turn off stitching, but the mobile app would need to be updated to support this feature.

Also, regarding the plug-in.

The author of the Android Theta Z1 Stitcher is Ichi Hirota. He’s the same author that made the dual-fisheye plug-in in the store. He also has a Z1. Did you try the plug-in below with the Z1 and it didn’t work? If so, I will send him a note and maybe he will update it. I think he has it running on a Z1 for his personal use.

It’s definitely possible to turn off the stitching of the Z1 JPG images from inside of a plug-in. However, I’m not sure if any of the plug-ins work with the Z1 right now. They may have to modified slightly.

Thanks for your text.

  1. Neither on iOS nor Droid i found a way with the newest Theta mobile app to switch off stitching. That was the reason to search and ask for something as a solution.

  2. The dual fisheye is not possible to be installed on my Z1. The “Ricoh Theta” app for Mac (and Windows too) tell me, that this plugin cannot be installed onto that model of camera.

So, is that a no then?

If you want to work with raw(dng) on mobile i understand that this isn’t possible as of now. We have to wait for an developer that is designing something.

But if you want to do that with “non paid” software on your pc it is possible. codetricity gave an example link for gimp and darktable a little bit up this thread. Even stitching can be done for example with Hugin. Its a little bit more work - but you does not need to invest money.

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Great summary by @gcorner

Here’s the status of the mobile app stitching of the DNG.

  • I have not tried Ichi’s (the developer) new stitching app myself with the DNG images (simply lack of time)
  • Ichi has a Z1 and is using his Android mobile app to stitch the images on his phone. I do not know how he’s getting the DNG images from the Z1 to his phone
  • I’m in contact with the developer by email and just sent him a note this morning to ask him how to transfer the DNG images from the camera to the mobile phone with Wi-Fi

The developer of the stitching mobile app is building it for his own personal use. He’s making it available, but it’s not a business for him. Unfortunately, he moved from Silicon Valley to Tokyo last year. :frowning:

Update from developer:

He built an app for the transfer!!


  1. “Theta DNG Transfer” is working without errors.

  2. If i then sent the dng to the new “Theta Z1 stitcher” i receive the “The image is not supported” message. (i have hiroatas stitcher for madv on my device too. i hope that’s not the problem…)

source: Yuqing Guo IVPR 2019 presentation in Belfast


This is the desktop workflow.

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Following this direction (especially the screenshot of the short chat) i was able to:

  1. Use “ThetaDNG Transfer” to transfer the DNG to the Droid (that was working before)
  2. Open it with a software that can work with that DNG and saved it as jpg
  3. I now was able to transfer(share) it to ThetaZ1 Stitcher and then successfully created the stitched picture.

Thanks for being very specific and asking that a jpg is necessary to give it to ThetaZ1 Stitcher.


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Thanks for this success report. The developer of the stitching app is a bit discouraged about the low download number. We’re all trying to give him encouragement. The Z1 is new to the market and these techniques such as mobile workflow takes a while to figure out.

If i am right: at the beginning the “mobile workflow instructions” wasn’t there. That seems to be the problem i have had. Maybe others have had that problem too.
And of course: There aren’t a lot Z1 out in the world.
I left posts at google under his tools.
If he will improve it a bit (make it a bit easier) i would be happy to pay, like i have done that for his MI Sphere App (for Droid and iOS). Hope that he will release an iOS app for Z1 too (like for MI Sphere).

Single topic: I am not hundred percent sure, if the app stitch completely flawless (have had a light seeable seem in one area - will check that more deeper). In addition i am not completely sure if the y/v is looked into for auto stitching (have to correct a lot in all directions).
Because i do not know to contact him directly, maybe you are able to forward this lines to him?


If you post the comments here, I can send the developer email or post to his Facebook news feed. I just sent him the link to your previous post. It’s likely he’ll scroll down a few posts.

Mobile Workflow for Z1 by Yuqing Guo




Adobe Lightroom Mobile

Mobile workflow by Mic Ty


Thanks to Yoichi Hirota , he made a great update on
Theta DNG Transfer
Theta Z1 Stitcher
in which the auto-leveling is solved in an elegant way.
and I am so pround to be the first beta tester this weekend.

I think it is the time to make a update on my
Z1 Mobile DNG Workflow talk.

In this video,

  1. I explained to update to you
  2. A Brief Survey on Auto Leveling problem on Z1
  3. Talk about the science bethind Auto-Levling
  4. A step by step workflow with “NEW” Theta DNG Transfer and Theta Z1 Stitcher
  5. Summery and the Future of Mobile DNG Workflow

If you are interested in my slides , here is the download link


@YuqingGuo, I am promoting your workflow more recently as the iOS app was updated. I am putting attribution to Yuqing Guo for the workflow and screenshots.

Dear Craig , here is another Mobile HDR-DNG Workflow with DualFisheye Plugin

For your information , to simplify , the workflow is as follows:

  1. USB typeC to typeC cable connect
    your phone and RICOH THETA Z1

  2. Copy the xxx_HDR.DNG to your phone

  3. Import these DNG files to
    Adobe Photoshop Lightroom Mobile

  4. Do some post processing in Lightroom

  5. Export as JPG/TIF with all metadata

  6. (Batch) Stitch in THETA Z1 Stitcher
    with fully automatically level correction

  7. Touchretouch APP to make nadir patch


@YuqingGuo, these are fantastic videos. Thanks! I am updating the information on our list of apps and including a lot of this wonderful information. What a great contribution to the community. :slight_smile: I also like your coverage of the situation in China using 360 photos.

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Recommended APP download link:
THETA Z1 Stitcher

THETA DNG Transfer


Adobe Photoshop Lightroom Mobile