Wireless LAN Clinet mode didn't work in smartphone hotspot mode

Hello, I found that Ricoh Theta V had announced newest firmware many months ago.
Yeah, Theta V supported the Wireless LAN client mode!!!
After updated the firmware and watched the following video:

If I let my smart phone and my Theta V both connect to the wifi router in my room.
My phone can access Theta V via Wireless LAN client mode.

However, if I turned on the Wi-Fi Hotspot in my android phone.
And set my Theta V to connect to my phone.
My Theta V could connect to my phone (My phone did show my Theta V have connected to the Wi-Fi Hotspot)
But I couldn’t connect to my Theta V in my Ricoh Theta APP.

So… did anyone have tried make your theta V connect to the wifi AP on your phone rather than the additional wifi router??
Or under this firmware update, Ricoh Theta still not support connect to the Wifi hotspot in our phone?

If not… I think that this update didn’t make any help…
After all, to bring a wifi router outside is not make sense.

Just my guess: Maybe Ricoh Theta APP would try to connect to Theta V only if smartphone’s wifi has been turned on. If so, it is just a small bug and it is easy to fix…

It seems still not working yet…
Does Ricoh Theta team regard this as a bug?
Or is there any way to report this bug to Ricoh Theta Team officially?

Yes, you can send this to @jcasman and he can report it to the ricoh product manager. Ask Jesse to include it in the next meeting agenda. :slight_smile: We get a chance to meet with a few people from Ricoh from time to time and can report back on feedback from the community.

Is this working now?

i just tested it and don’t think it works. Does anyone have the THETA mobile app working when the mobile phone is the hotspot and the THETA connects to it in client mode?

it’s still not working now… is there anyone in ricoh trying to fixed this issue?

should i tag @jcasman again?

Hi, is there any update on this

@gerryconnolly, I read on the other topic that you’re building your own mobile app.

If this is the case, you can try this test:

  1. Put your Android phone into hotspot mode
  2. log into your Android phone or access the command line on the physical device with something like Termux
  3. connect THETA V to Android phone with client mode
  4. from the Android phone find the IP address of the THETA V with ip neigh or equivalent
  5. you must use digest authentication with something like curl to test if a command like /osc/info works

If it works, please post again. Although the official mobile app doesn’t work in this scenario, it’s possible that a custom mobile app could work.

In deploy, you need to use something like discovery from your mobile app to find the IP address of the THETA V that your Android device assigned the IP address to.