Easy Hacking of LEDs and Camera Using Termux

Please see this article to set up Termux inside your THETA.

This article is roughly translated from the original Japanese article by KA-2.

For this test, I switched to a different laptop and needed to add my public key to the THETA again. I also updated the firmware of the THETA and needed to put it into developer mode again. Click on the build number until it says, “you are now a developer”


With the developer mode enabled, I can now select the developer tools.

Using settings, go into Running services.


Stop the RICOH THETA camera service.

Keyboard now works

Concatenate authorized key from my laptop.


This is done with a copy and paste.

Blink LED

Once I was able to log in again, I was able to get the LED to blink yellow with the following command:

am broadcast -a com.theta360.plugin.ACTION_LED_BLINK -e target LED3 -e color yellow --ei period 500

I used the Android documentation to understand more about the am (Activity Manager) command.

Turn Off LED

am broadcast -a com.theta360.plugin.ACTION_LED_HIDE -e target LED3

LED Lit - no-blink

am broadcast -a com.theta360.plugin.ACTION_LED_SHOW -e target LED3 -e color yellow 

You can control LEDs 3 to 8. However, you can’t set the color for LEDs 4-8.

The blink frequency can be set from 500ms to 2000ms.

Triggering Audio Shutter Sound

am broadcast -a com.theta360.plugin.ACTION_AUDIO_SHUTTER

There are many other sounds you can make.

Audio File Intent
Shutter Audio Start “com.theta360.plugin.ACTION_AUDIO_SH_OPEN”
Shutter Audio End “com.theta360.plugin.ACTION_AUDIO_SH_CLOSE”

See this reference for more information.

Wi-Fi Stability Issues

Note that I’ve had some issues with the Wi-Fi dropping in the co-working space that I’m writing this at. I’m going to try Ethernet when I get back to my office.

Update Dec 23, 2019: A good solution at shared co-working space is to connect both my camera and my laptop to a my mobile phone hotspot. For the Z1, I’m displaying the IP address on the OLED screen of the camera. See this article for more information.

Problems with F-Droid

When I got back to my office, I decided to try Termux with the Z1. I ran into problems with the apk from F-Droid and installed the apk from apkpure.


Using the Wi-Fi API

Take Picture

curl -v -H "Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8" -H "X-XSRF-Protected: 1" -X POST -d "{"name": "camera.takePicture" }"

Set Up SFTP to transfer image file

Edit $HOME../usr/etc/ssh/sshd_config

SendEnv LANG
PrintMotd no
PasswordAuthentication yes
PubkeyAcceptedKeyTypes +ssh-dss
Subsystem sftp /data/data/com.termux/files/usr/libexec/sftp-server

Set the password by running


Grab file with sftp

craig@cube:~$ sftp -P 8022
Connected to
sftp> ls
sftp> cd storage/
sftp> ls
dcim       downloads  movies     music      pictures   shared     
sftp> cd dcim
sftp> ls
100RICOH                                plugin_20190726115613.wav               
sftp> cd 100RICOH/
sftp> ls
R0010017.JPG    R0010018.JPG    R0010019.JPG    
sftp> get R00
R0010017.JPG    R0010018.JPG    R0010019.JPG    
sftp> get R0010017.JPG 
Fetching /storage/emulated/0/DCIM/100RICOH/R0010017.JPG to R0010017.JPG
/storage/emulated/0/DCIM/100RICOH/R0010017.JP 100% 4254KB   3.2MB/s   00:01    

Using Ubuntu Default File Manager


Double-click on the image to display it.

Viewed in FSPViewer

You can also see the same files with Android Studio “Device File Explorer”

Updating the Database

If you add or delete files directly, you need to update the database. See the “Updating the Database” section of this document.

New file.

am broadcast -a com.theta360.plugin.ACTION_DATABASE_UPDATE --esal targets DCIM/orgdir/newfile.jpg

Delete file

am broadcast -a com.theta360.plugin.ACTION_DATABASE_UPDATE --esal targets DCIM/orgdir/delfile.jpg

Install Programming Tools

Install git with

apt install git


install wget

apt install wget


install python

apt install python


installed 3.8

$ python --version
Python 3.8.0

install flask

pip install flask

 apt install clang

I also decided to move from nano to zile because I like Emacs.

apt install zile

Web Server Test

Create hello.py in a directory such as Development.

from flask import Flask
app = Flask(__name__)

def hello_cloud():
       return 'Hello World!'


In my case, I’m using client mode and set the IP address of the host to the IP address of the THETA.


Additional Python tools

pip install pycurl
pip install pydrive
pip install numpy


apt install termux-api

Fix for me.





Using emacs on the THETA works well. In the screenshot below, I’ve ssh’ed into the THETA from a Linux terminal and am running split-window vertically and horizontally. I’m runninng term to get the bash shell inside of emacs. The mouse also works.

Next Article → Create a WebUI with Node and Express