Get Street 5.7K 360 image every second when car is moving from 5.7K 30fps video

Hi Mr Graig
I have my own map application looking like google streetview.
I m using Theta V I m getting 4K images from usb
I want to get Street 5.7K 360 image every second when car is moving from 5.7K 30fps video
If I download recorded video from camera from WIFI I think I ll take more time and need more disk.
Is there a way with Ricoh Theta X
Every scond I ll get 1 5K 360 image from 30fps (Car is moving fast I nned image without blur)
Every image with a json file gps and acceleration added

Zafer Kocaali

Is something like this possible? The camera can capture 5.7K 30fps images, but records it at 1fps when recording video.
If a video is created at 1 frame per second with GPS data. This way we don’t have to download frames we won’t use. Can such a feature be added to the API?

Information on File Format is here:

theta-api-specs/theta-web-api-v2.1/options/ at main · ricohapi/theta-api-specs · GitHub

The ones to try with Google Streetview are:

{"type": "mp4","width": 7680,"height": 3840, "_codec": "H.264/MPEG-4 AVC", "_frameRate": 10}
{"type": "mp4","width": 7680,"height": 3840, "_codec": "H.264/MPEG-4 AVC", "_frameRate": 5}
{"type": "mp4","width": 7680,"height": 3840, "_codec": "H.264/MPEG-4 AVC", "_frameRate": 2}

There is no 1fps.

You will need to take 2 fps and discard one of the frames.

Data is stored in this format.

theta-api-specs/theta-metadata at main · ricohapi/theta-api-specs · GitHub

Refer to Camera Motion Metadata Spec from Google, which the THETA X conforms to.

ข้อมูลจําเพาะของข้อมูลเมตาการเคลื่อนไหวของกล้อง  |  Street View Publish API  |  Google for Developers

Is there a reason you do not want to use 8K video at 2fps instead of 5.7K video at 2fps?

Please read the CaMM data spec prior to making a purchase. The data is not in the same format as an image where you can easily pull the metadata from an image file. Ideally, you buy the camera from a place with a return policy in case it does not meet your requirements.

Note, that I don’t work for RICOH and can only refer you to the publicly available information. It is up to you to assess the information and make your own business decision.

There is no GPS or IMU data available as a live stream. You can only access it from the video file CaMM data track.

If there is a more involved research project, you can use a plugin to get the sensor data and then make it available through your own API from a HTTP server inside the camera. The camera runs a version of Android.

Feel free to provide more information on your use case. We’re happy to keep trying to help.

Thank you


We want to shoot from the camera on a car traveling at 50 km/h. If we record at 2fps at 8K resolution, won’t the image be blurry? I would prefer 30fps 5.7K shooting to make the image clearer over the moving vehicle.

The 30fps 5.7K video does not have the camm data track (the IMU data you need).

The 8K 10fps has the CAMM data track.

Refer to the reference here: theta-api-specs/theta-metadata at main · ricohapi/theta-api-specs · GitHub

You can test 8K 10fps and see if it meets your requirements.

Feel free to ask additional questions. The information maybe out there in the public specs and difficult to find.

Note that it is a little tricky to extract the camm data and match it to the frames. We don’t have an SDK or official example on how to do it. You’d need to research CaMM data techniques on your own. Other people in this forum are also use CaMM data, but it is a community discussion, not an official SDK type of thing.

Thank you very much
Mr Craig