start new project
npx @react-native-community/cli@latest init TCrnBasic
✔ Do you want to install CocoaPods now? Only needed if you run your project in Xcode directly … yes
⠦ Installing Ruby Gems
install theta-client
cd TCrnBasic
npm install theta-client-react-native
pod repo update
Updating spec repo `trunk`
pod search THETAClient --simple
-> THETAClient (1.12.0)
THETA Client
pod 'THETAClient', '~> 1.12.0'
- Homepage:
- Source:
- Versions: 1.12.0, 1.11.1, 1.11.0, 1.10.2, 1.10.1, 1.10.0, 1.9.1, 1.9.0,
1.8.0, 1.7.1, 1.7.0, 1.6.0, 1.5.0, 1.4.0, 1.3.1, 1.3.0, 1.2.0, 1.1.0, 1.0.0
[trunk repo]
Steps below no longer needed as I forgot to run pod repo update
install pod for iOS - not needed
I built the pod from source as I originally couldn’t find the pod in cocoapods
build ios pod
Download theta-client into a different directory. This is not inside of your project.
./gradlew podPublishXCFramework
copy pod from theta-client into new project
cd kotlin-multiplatform/build/cocoapods/publish
cp -r * /Users/craig/Development/ricoh/2025/TCrnBasic/ios/Vendor/theta-client
modify Podfile
in ios
target 'TCrnBasic' do
config = use_native_modules!
pod "THETAClient", :path => "./Vendor/theta-client/debug"
:path => config[:reactNativePath],
# An absolute path to your application root.
:app_path => "#{Pod::Config.instance.installation_root}/.."
install pod
in the ios
pod install
Found 1 module for target `TCrnBasic`
Downloading dependencies
Installing React-Codegen (0.1.0)
Installing THETAClient (1.12.0)
Installing theta-client-react-native (1.12.0)
add skeleton code
In App.jsx.
import React from 'react';
import {Button, SafeAreaView, ScrollView, Text} from 'react-native';
import {FileTypeEnum, initialize} from 'theta-client-react-native';
import {getThetaInfo} from 'theta-client-react-native';
import {listFiles} from 'theta-client-react-native';
function App(): React.JSX.Element {
const [thetaInfo, setThetaInfo] = React.useState('');
React.useEffect(() => {
const initTheta = async () => {
try {
await initialize('', {});
} catch (error) {
console.error('Failed to initialize THETA:', error);
}, []);
return (
onPress={async () => {
try {
const info = await getThetaInfo();
setThetaInfo(JSON.stringify(info, null, 2));
} catch (error) {
console.error('Failed to get THETA info:', error);
setThetaInfo('Error getting THETA info');
title="list files"
onPress={async () => {
try {
const files = await listFiles(FileTypeEnum.IMAGE, 1, 10);
setThetaInfo(JSON.stringify(files, null, 2));
} catch (error) {
console.error('Failed to get file listing:', error);
setThetaInfo('Error getting file listing');
export default App;
connect computer to camera and run
Connect with WiFi. The red USB cable is only for power. The RICOH THETA is at Your computer must connect to the THETA as a hotspot.
npm run ios