Theta V issue? Images from lenses different exposures and not aligning

Hi everyone,. Hoping to get some advice on this. I have just bought a Theta V and on trying to take images I am finding that the images from the two lenses have different exposures and are not aligning. This is regardless of the source of light. I have the latest firmware installed. Is it a problem with the camera (it is brand new) or settings? Please help as I am hoping to do a client shoot in a few days.

Possibly the camera. Please post a larger screenshot and confirm that you didn’t edit the picture after you took the shot.

Do you have the same problem when viewing the image with the desktop application?

I have the same problem, the lens where the front shutter is, the photography is blurred and the other lens is not.

You have posted a screenshot of the preview - this does not show the stitching of the actual image!

This looks like a dejusted optical system.
Is this a new camera directly from the factory or second hand?
Was it misused? Dropped or thermical shock?

It is a new camera, it has not had blows, and it no longer has a guarantee. Any way to fix it?

I assume that the image quality was OK when the camera was brand new, right?
And from one day to the next it went bad without any obvious cause?

In case this really a dejusted optical system, it can’t be fixed:

Perhaps Ricoh will exchange your device at a reduced cost.

Got the Z1 3 days ago, and having the same issue. Pic 1 is from the live view on my iPhone and Pic 2 is the pic take viewed the the Theta app on my iPhone.

Hello all, I have the same exposure problem with a brandnew camera, this unit have a aligment setup? this quality image is normal? or the best way is request a RMA? Uploading: R0010008.JPG…

What are you referring to with ‘the same problem’?

The issues reported by @Caz_Iraheta and @luckydogbestboy are completely different and have different causes. The first seems to be a fault of the camera, the later is a user error as explained to his posting here:

The sample you tried to provide is not downloadable.

tnx by your reply, letme make new test to post a image with my issue. BR

HI all

Im a newbie on 360 photography, Some days ago I bougth a brand new Theha V, procesing my first sooting I see a color, focus and quality difference between lenses, after read some post tried take a better images but really Im not see my pictures as advertised on Theta webpage

On the location the cammera is al 5 feet tall, the firmware running is 3.40.1 and the theta soft on the PC is a 3.14.0

On this first image (on interior) have a difference of color and the next a not alingnment with blur zones

I tried a best shoot turn around the camera lookin the same ligth ob bhot lenses, this is ther bet shoot. (pls ignore the red arrows)

On the exterior image Stitched I see alignment fail, blur stich and the same color difference

This is a screenshoot of a proceced image on Photoshop V 21.2.3 and stitched on Lapentor app

This is anormal performance of this rig and need request a RMA?

Also I attatch the original files (manual mode at iso 64) Another HDR modes are tested with same results

Tnx by your replies

I have the same problem with a brand new theta z1, my firmware is up to date

I have the same problem with my Theta V :slightly_frowning_face: