Windows Theta for Windows Desktop Viewer Link

I’m looking for the last windows version of the desktop viewer and was referred to Download | RICOH THETA by ‘support’. There is no link for any windows software, only mac and they don’t seem to understand this. Is this not available anymore? Does anyone know where I can find this? Are people using something else for desktop? The installer I have is 3.19. I’m looking for 3.20 to solve an installation problem.


I did press it and nothing happened. Now I see I have to right-click and save-as to get the file.

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maybe ad blocker or some inconsistency with the browser setup? I think other people have problems viewing that rectangle as a button. I actually couldn’t download it myself for a while.

Glad it got sorted out. :slight_smile:

Thanks for letting us know the solution about the right-click. It will help other people with a similar problem.