Dual-fisheye Images With THETA V Plug-in

I’m not sure. I inspected with exiftool a few pictures straight out of the camera from both Theta S and Theta V, and it seems that PosePitchDegrees and RicohPitch always contain (almost) the same values (same happens for PoseRollDegree and RicohRoll).

Data in proprietary Ricoh tags seems to be rounded to the second decimal (i.e 5.67), while PhotosphereXMP tags (such as PosePitchDegrees) got rounded to the first decimal (i.e. 5.7).

When I rectify shots with Ricoh desktop app the Ricoh proprietary tags get dropped, and PhotosphereXMP tags are changed to zero.

Without knowing more, I’d set both pitch tags (and both roll tags) to the same values (perhaps rounding them to the first decimal).

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thank you. I will specify that the PosePitchDegrees and the RicohPitch should be the same, except for the decimal place. same for roll information.

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Pictures taken with the plug-in webAPI contain Exif data. These images are in equirectangular format.

Pictures taken with the CameraAPI can be in dual-fisheye mode, but do not contain Exif data. It is possible to take an image with the WebAPI as a reference for the camera orientation. Then, switch to the the CameraAPI and copy the orientation image from the image taken with the WebAPI to the dual-fisheye image taken with the CameraAPI. The following example from Ricoh may be useful.

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Hi, went through this topic and looked really useful as I’m taking a lot of images with the new Theta Z1. The process time is just a tad to slow for the purpose I’m using the camera. Does somebody know if the Plug in would be developed for the new Theta Z1 as well? I know there is already a setting where it generates a RAW .DNG images but the image is still being processed!


This plug-in by Leaning Len can easily be adapted for use with the Z1. It may work as is. However, it doesn’t reduce the time taken per shot significantly below the time taken for a stitched image.

Using the API with equirectangular images, you can probably get it down to 3 or 4 seconds on the Z1.

How fast do you need it?

Thanks for the tip! If I can shave off approx. 1s from the processing time between images, that would be ideal.

You can probably reduce the time by a second with the API. You can test it from your laptop with a bash script and start reducing the delay between images until it fails.

I think someone in the community did these tests and got it down to 3 or 4 seconds. However, I’m not positive that I remember this correctly.

If you want to experiment with the plug-in, you can use this project as a starting point.

anyone know when the Dual fisheye plug-in will be updated for the Theta V with firmare 3.0? it does everything except actually take the photos.

Do both of these no longer work?

I haven’t tried the no stitch tester, but I couldn’t get the Dual Fisheye to work. The plug in loads, the settings work, press the shutter and it sounds like it’s taking pictures, but when i plug it in To my computer, there’s no pictures.

Hi guys. I was wondering how to use the Dual Fisheye plugin for Theta V. I’ve used it for Theta Z1 but on the Theta V, there is no LCD display, so I’m not sure how we’re supposed to change modes such as HDR bracketing, setting the exposure intervals, etc. Thanks in advance.

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Thanks Craig. That diagram makes it clearer. So it seems there is no way to use dual fisheye with raw for theta V?


yes, that’s correct. There is no RAW capability on the THETA V. Only the more expensive Z1 can output RAW.


Hi, guys.
@360rumorsblog 's post reminds me the days of dualfisheye challenge with V. Now, I’m fighting with Z1’s HDR-DNG mode.
BTW, After the linked post, Google made a video and it was introduced in Connect Live Tokyo last summer.

Hope you enjoy.


Hi, @craig san and @jcasman san

I do believe the third scenario is the final solution not only for THETA V, but also for Z1.
Can you pass it again to Ichi Hirota san?
Many photogs hope so.


Just to confirm, are you looking for a mobile app to configure the dual-fisheye plug-in?

This is fantastic! Really great to hear about people meeting, sharing techniques, and doing interesting things with the camera. The video gives a very good feel of how Google Street View data is being created in places like Boze Island that did not have GSV images previously. Really great!

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I recently changed phone, and tried to reinstall the stitching app for dual fisheye images from Theta V. I searched on the Android Play Store, but can’t find it any more - has it been removed?

How do you stitch dual fisheye images from Theta V now?

PTGui works with V and Z1 images.